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Understanding Texture

Understanding Texture

Achieving the right texture for wall surface and/or your painted lime wash finish

Painting a Bauwerk Colour Sample Pot
Painting a Bauwerk Colour Sample Pot
Bauwerk Colour Hoxton Casa Barcelona
Texture adds character and beauty, sometimes less is more, not every polished surface has that cozy homely feel.

Limewash paints are easily added to rough underlying surfaces, but will also enhance a totally smooth surface due to the naturally developing colour variations.

Wall Texture: “ Can I lime wash my walls if they already have some texture? Would I need to skim coat first? ”

Lime wash paint will not change the underlying texture of your wall, it will only add colour. 

If you are looking for more or less texture of your substrate (surface) you would need to either create more texture with another layer of suitable material or smooth it over with a suitable skim coat material.

After that you may like to take a look at our application instructions

The image below shows a lime stone wall that was painted with limewash paint. Similarly, you can paint over rough stucco or lime plaster.

rough render painted with lime wash paint

Paint Texture: “ Can I create texture with lime wash paint?

Even on a smooth non-textured surface it is very simple to create texture with lime wash paint. Whites or very pale colours are not so suitable, but as soon as you get into some darker shades of colour this is super easy.

In most cases it is just a way to move your brush as you apply the paint.

The traditional and most common manner is a cross hatch:

Bauwerk Colour Slate

But you can also paint clouds by placing paint in spots and distribute the paint from there in all directions:

Another way is the drag down technique, here the paint is just applied with vertical brush strokes:

Bauwerk Colour Limewash painted wall

Some people have created interesting finishes with a window washer movement, others by applying small circular movements.

Bauwerk Colour Limewash Paint Application with small circular brush movements t create texture

You are not restricted in any way to try to express your particular way and there is no right or wrong - just go for it and discover your own unique way of creating interesting unique wall finishes.

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